Personnal skillsLanguages
Now | LP DIM (Professional Bachelor’s Degree in multi-plateform software development) - Sandwich course CCI Annecy / University of Savoy / IUT Annecy—Annecy-le-Vieux, France The best way to enter active life : a single complete year both at work and at school. It really helps building contacts and professionalism. |
June, 2017 | DUT Informatique (2-year university diploma in computer science) University of Savoy / IUT Annecy—Annecy-le-Vieux, France The start of my program writer career. A heavy but rewarding curriculum that I recommand to everyone. |
June, 2015 | French Baccalaureate (High School diploma) with honors Hector Berlioz High School—La Cote St Andre, France Scientific baccalaureate with mathematics speciality. The year I discovered TI-83+ calculator and fell in love with it. |
This is a much more living version of this portfolio, using a lot of Javascript.
The background was made using an HTML5 Canvas.
You can play a game where you have to dodge the shooting stars, or use it as a screen-saver after selecting your favourite theme.
I also added a lot of floating effets and css tricks.
It is still under devlopment, more features are incomming.
Contact me for more !