
My name is Stephen DUPRE, and this is my portfolio !
I am a 3rd year IT student, currently learning in Licence pro DIM in Annecy (France).
I learn JS tricks and mobile stuff, in order to become a competent and agile web developper.
I like to test and experiment new things.
What I enjoy the most is to put into practice my knowledge.
Have a check on my apps list at the bottom of this page !

Technical skills

Web languages




SQL languages




Hardcode languages

C / C++





Models and methods



Operating systems



Personnal skills


  • English B2
  • German B2
  • Japanese A1


  • My first hobby, of course, is to develop things. I particularly enjoy creating small javascript apps that interracts with the user. It doesn't mean that static websites are not interesting, but those lack of life.
  • My second hobby is to watch series. I really like Sci-Fi shows and japanese comic series. It helps me relaxing by taking me to fantasy worlds which cannot be accessed physically. Thoses videos bring also a lot of interesting questions, questions that become debates with friends.
  • My third hobby is paragliding. The wind that howls to your ears, the landscape that reveals, an intense feeling of both loneliness and superiority... Paragliding is magic. I always miss those times.
  • My fourth and last hobby is to go fishing. A good spot, a good chair, a good book, and I'm ready for a day of peace and deep thinking. Those moments are my sanctuary, those memories the stones in my mind that supports me in hard periods.


  • NowLP DIM (Professional Bachelor’s Degree in multi-plateform software development) - Sandwich course
    CCI Annecy / University of Savoy / IUT Annecy—Annecy-le-Vieux, France
    The best way to enter active life : a single complete year both at work and at school. It really helps building contacts and professionalism.
    June, 2017DUT Informatique (2-year university diploma in computer science)
    University of Savoy / IUT Annecy—Annecy-le-Vieux, France
    The start of my program writer career. A heavy but rewarding curriculum that I recommand to everyone.
    June, 2015French Baccalaureate (High School diploma) with honors
    Hector Berlioz High School—La Cote St Andre, France
    Scientific baccalaureate with mathematics speciality. The year I discovered TI-83+ calculator and fell in love with it.

Shooting stars portfolio

This is a much more living version of this portfolio, using a lot of Javascript.

The background was made using an HTML5 Canvas.

You can play a game where you have to dodge the shooting stars, or use it as a screen-saver after selecting your favourite theme.

I also added a lot of floating effets and css tricks.

It is still under devlopment, more features are incomming.